Last week, writer and jewellery maker, Elizabeth Zuliani, took a day trip to our Kindergarten Volunteer Program in Bali to see what all the fuss is about. How fun can volunteer work be? she may have wondered. Very fun indeed! it turns out.
“You’ll live in a beautiful village in Ubud, in harmony with the local community. There are so many markets, temples and local attractions to visit, or just get lost riding a scooter through the rice paddies.
All your meals are prepared by the host families, and there’s plenty of cheap cafes and local warungs where you can hang out. The organisation also arranges cultural activities such as cooking classes, batik painting, tours and anything you’d want to do while you’re in Bali really. They’ve got you covered.
Outside your teaching commitments (9am to 11am planning lessons and 2pm to 5pm teaching during the weekday) – you’re free to explore Bali with the other volunteers. Just like summer camp!
The volunteer teachers radiated with an infectious sense of fulfillment. The pupils were completely engaged, and actively participated in the classroom.”