Use the following to fill in your Information
Expected arrival date: Fill this in based on your flight arrival.
Visa intended: Please select ‘Work’ or ‘Australian Passport Holder’ (if you are an Australian passport holder).
Specify work visa: Work Exchange Visa.
Name of employer: Placement name.
Occupation: Gap Assistant.
Type of account you are applying for: Individual.
Personal details
You will need your passport number and tax number. Please fill in your details.
Are you a New Zealand Citizen: No (unless you are a dual citizen and have a New Zealand passport).
Tax residency
Are you a New Zealand Tax Resident? No.
You will need to include your home country’s tax details in this section.
Account Activation
Preferred Branch: You can either choose the branch closest to your school (please Google this) or, if you would like to get this done during your spare few hours at orientation, choose: Auckland – 80 Queen Street Auckland.
Opening a bank account – New Zealand
Estimated funds to be transferred to New Zealand: If you wish to transfer money over and know the amount in NZD, please enter here. If not, leave 0.
Estimated annual income in New Zealand: Enter estimated amount here.
How did you find out about Bank of New Zealand? Recruitment Company.
Which recruitment company? Letz Live.
I/we would like to receive information from your preferred connections specialising in migration and expatriation to New Zealand: No.
Tick that you have read the information and click submit.
Once submitted, an email will be sent to you – please read through the information. Don’t forget to check your spam/junk folder.