Kia Ora from New Zealand

Kaye Huxter NZ gap year

My New Zealand gap year has definitely been one for the books. Starting off the year a little rough with a family members death, my parents splitting up and Covid I was scared for the rest of the year. But it turned out to be the best decision I ever made to stay. The school staff and kids became like a second family to me. 

Because of Covid I didn’t have a chance to travel outside of New Zealand but it gave me the opportunity to see everything NZ has to offer. Our first holiday after covid a fellow gapper, Mitchel and I did a South Island road trip and got to visit so many beautiful places. We got to see Hokitika, Queenstown, Christchurch, Lake Tekapo and so many more.

Our second holiday we had a North Island road trip which was just as amazing as our first. We got to pet wild stingray close to Gisborne and visit the Sky Tower in Auckland. New Zealand has the most beautiful landscapes and towns. To be able to experience some of the wildlife up close was one of the most incredible experiences.

In between seeing the rest of New Zealand my year in Oamaru was one to remember. So many of the girls I looked after become like little sisters and the boys like brothers. I would not change my placement this year for anything. The people that surrounded me this year helped me to grow into the person I am. They helped me discover who I was and what I want to surround myself with in life. 

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet the most amazing people this year and have made friends for life. The other gappies I was placed with are truly like my family. I would not have been able to make it through this year without them. They helped me through my parents divorce which was without a doubt the hardest thing I went through this year. I have gained some of my best friends this year and I am forever grateful. My advice to someone considering a gap year is to take it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you will never regret taking it. You will miss home, but you’ll gain so much that it will make it worth it.  

Thank you Letz Live for this amazing opportunity and thank you to my school family. 

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